You really know how to do your job well
And it’s ok for your prospect to know that
In the right place
At the right time.
See if this helps:
At this point in the page
We’re now at the very bottom
If your homepage has done its job
And built up enough trust
And enough value
7 seconds at a time
You’ve aroused your prospect’s curiosity just enough to want to know:
Who is this person, really?
Up to now you’ve been kind enough to make this all about me
Why don’t you tell me a little bit about you:
You worked where?
You spoke there?
You wrote a book about that?
You’ve been doing this for how long?
This is where you get to brag a little but only in terms of how it makes sense that it leads to the one mission you’re on that you think your business can do to change the world
What really bothers me about the way things have always been done, that really sticks in my craw and why such and such was the final straw before I decided that there’s GOT to be a better way …
Your rallying cry
Your mission statement
Your raison d’ etat
Your mad as hell and you’re not gonna take it anymore
Who’s with me!
It’s just a matter of when:
Put all this at the end
In just a couple short paragraphs
With a picture of you
Doing your thing
Right above the navigation
So now they have every reason to get to the next 7 seconds.
I’m here,
P.S. This anchors your whole homepage in a distinct point of view, which if you’re into storytelling, is pretty much everything ????