7-Second Thoughts September 29, 2024

When your client’s own words

Are better than a signed contract.

Imagine that you have gotten your client

And their team



To agree on what they want


With you

So that everyone’s on the same page about:

Who they want helping them

What that help looks like

The outcome of said help

And how you’re all going to get there


Were that to come to fruition

You could ask:

What does your client want?

What are they missing?

And what do they need from you to make them whole again?

In their words

In a document that they can see and contribute to

On both a shared screen

And a shared agenda


Were you to bring everyone to the table like that:

It sure seems like

Bare minimum

You’d have quite the captive audience

Waiting to see

How much of what they contributed

Made it into your proposal.

I’m here,


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