Don’t let fear keep you from offering what might be exceptional value to your prospect.
You’ve got an idea for a new product or service
And then the Doubt Demons have their say:
They’ll never go for it
It’ll take too much time
It’s not on-brand
Here’s the thing:
Instead of succumbing to your resistance
Welcome your prospect’s resistance
See if this helps:
Schedule informal interviews
With colleagues, friends and even family
In your target market
And peg them with enough questions
To get them thinking
And ultimately
We tried that in the past and here’s some of the problems we ran into …
It wouldn’t work for us, but it might work for these people …
I don’t like it as-is, but what if you …
Here’s the thing:
Take it to your interview(s)
And get it out there
Listen to what your buyers respond to.
They have your answer
Your brain does not.
I’m here,