7-Second Thoughts September 14, 2021

Write first. Design second.

If your website was generating leads, would you care how it looked?

You CAN have a lead-generating website AND make it pretty.

But only if you start with your prospect.

Which requires words.

See if this helps:

WEBSITE: Inbox Collective

FIRST 7 SECONDS: This is Inbox Collective,

a consultancy that helps brands grow audiences,

build relationships, and get results via email.

Ha! I’m not sure Inbox Collective even qualifies as a website.

It’s a google doc.

Clearly “designed” by a writer.

And wildly successful.

I’m here,


P.S. I’m still fairly new to sending out a daily email but I’m already convinced it’s the best thing I’ve done so far for my business. 62% open rate and that’s rounding down 🙂 If you’re following along, do me a fave? Reply to this email with feedback and/or forward it to anyone you know who could use a little website zujh. Here’s the signup link and thank you for making this possible! https://7secondwebsites.com/#7-second-email

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