Prospect-driven websites start by clearly stating the problem your prospect is coming to you to solve.
However …
Defining that problem can be …
Dare I say
Problematic ????
7-Second Email Subscriber Sawyer Nyquist replied with just such a conundrum and came up with the solution in one fell swoop (shared with permission):
Dear Kevin,
I’ve sat on your email for the last couple weeks because I’m still trying to answer your question What is the problem your prospect is coming to you to solve for them? I solve too many problems (at least in my head) and haven’t yet sorted through how to narrow it down.
However, I launched a daily email starting today. Primarily based on inspiration from you and Jonathan Stark. It might be a bit messy at first, but I believe writing daily will help me refine what problems I solve and listen to my readers about what problems they have.
Regards, Sawyer
Spot on, Sawyer!
Daily or consistent writing to your prospects
Can help you refine the problem your prospect is coming to you for.
You may also reply to this email with your best stab
At the problem your prospect is coming to you for
Or even a problem such as …
I can’t figure out _____ problem 🙂
I’m here,
P.S. I goofed! Apologies for the broken link in yesterday’s email. Thank you to all of you who wrote in. You may (I swear this time ????) sign up for Melissa DeLay’s Spill the Truth Email Newsletter here