From now on, I’ll write 2 letters a week instead of one. ~ Andy Dufresne in “The Shawshank Redemption” after a 6-year, one-letter-a-week, letter writing campaign that nets him a $200 check from the state so he can build a prison library.
Throughout history
Mountains have been moved
From consistent letter writing
To people who will pay you
For your goods and services.
The sooner you start writing to your prospect
Quickly and consistently
The sooner you can refine your craft
Of articulating the value of what you do
And the faster your prospects can appreciate
How you’re going to get THEIR business
To break through.
See if this helps:
Start your email writing campaign
With one sentence
Aimed squarely
At helping your prospect
Get unstuck.
I’m here,
P.S. Stuck? Tell me 1 problem you solve for your prospect and I’ll reply with 1 idea for an email. Heck, even a short phrase is fine. I really want to know. I reply to every email.