7-Second Thoughts September 15, 2021

Your business can be complicated

Your business does not have to be simple. It just has to be simple to do business with you.

The goal of your website should not be to show how easy peasy your business is.

If that were the case, your prospects wouldn’t need you.

They’d do it themselves.

What your prospect wants is to go to your website

and get the benefit of what you do

as quickly and easily as possible.

That’s what makes them think you’re easy to work with

and excited about clicking that “contact” button on your website.

See if this helps:

WEBSITE: Integrated Benefits Group – Minneapolis, MN 7-SECOND HEADLINE: Voluntary Benefits that help attract, retain, and safeguard employees.

In 7 seconds, HR Managers know that the website they’re on is going to help them do their job.

THE NEXT 7 SECONDS: Allows them to win the day …

Fill in the gaps and provide your employees with the financial wellness and protection they need. What Integrated Benefits Group does is complicated – but that’s not their prospects’ problem 😉 I’m here,


P.S. Your homework: What problem do you solve for your prospect? How do they feel when they can’t solve it? Don’t stay stuck. Reply to this email if you want more of your website visitors to see you as the only solution.

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