If we try to play like the Yankees out there we will lose to the Yankees in here. ~ Brad Pitt in “Moneyball”
If your website is trying to compete with much larger-funded companies
And you don’t have the budget to compete with their:
Cold-calling phone banks
Overseas lead generation
Sales teams
And full-service marketing agency
You’re in luck.
You can
And should
Get the benefit of all of that
Provided that you cut through the waste
And noise
And reach out to your prospect directly
With a simple, consistent, quickly-written email newsletter.
I’m here,
P.S. Here’s the thing: most clients come to me close to tears, having spent a small fortune on all of the above with little to show for it. To get the benefit of the marketing your competitors are doing at a fraction of what your competitors are spending, reply here.
What is my investment with Kevin getting me? A $45,000 ghostwriting book deal I can track directly to the work we’ve been doing the past 3 months. A far, far better return than I’ve ever gotten from SEO or marketing agencies. Thank you!