You could make this place beautiful ~ From “Good Bones” by Maggie Smith
Your website is outdated the minute you launch it
Filled with things you’ve done in the past
Awards, accomplishments, your body of work
Even the most insightful insight
From your most popular blog post
Is past tense.
See if this helps:
Whatever you send directly to your prospect
On the other hand
Was probably baked fresh that morning
And can contain the best of both worlds:
1. The benefit of your expertise up to this moment
2. Built from a background your prospect can experience on your website
The bonus here is that your most current stuff
That you send out consistently
Is all stuff you can use
To continuously refresh
Your website.
I’m here,
P.S. Despite the structure of my emails, I’m not a big poem person. But then “Good Bones” is a really, really good poem
Thank you for all the helpful comments on the new especially when I say things twice – Jane Smith 🙂 Please keep the feedback comin’ ????