7-Second Thoughts January 29, 2023

Your words are your bond

There will almost certainly be a point where you and your prospect are NOT on the same page

Maybe it’s your first sales call

Maybe it’s your last

But somewhere in the buying process

After your prospect has seen your proposal or contract

They’ll want to be doubly sure they know what they’re getting


Not yours.

See if this helps:

There is no better ironclad guarantee than writing down in your words what you offer your prospect

Showing those words to your prospect

And having them either agree or disagree.

Whatever objections they have

And whatever they find lacking

ASK: What do you need?

Allowing your prospect to write down their answer

Or dictating your prospects answer in front of them in real-time

Allows you to say:

This is what I’m hearing from you

Which gives your prospect the power to decide whether or not it’s the same thing they’re hearing.

This is a very nice way to build trust

And start a relationship

That leaves both of you happy

With the sale.

I’m here,


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