7-Second Thoughts February 8, 2023

The Kennedy Test

Ask NOT what your homepage headline can do for your prospect. Ask what your homepage headline can do for YOU

~ Not John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States

Now that you’ve written what you do and why your prospect should care

In the first 7 seconds of your homepage

It’s time to put that headline to the test and ask yourself:

Does this interest me enough to write quickly

And consistently?

See if this helps:

Do your level best to make those first 7 seconds of your website inspiring enough

For you to write consistently to your prospect

In a way that adds enough value to their business

To keep them coming back for more

Which in turn will keep you

Coming back for more.

I’m here,


P.S. It’s a stress test but not a stress-you-out test. Give it your best 7-second shot for now. Put it up on your homepage. Write or post about it. And reply to this email in the morning ????

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