I write copy that gets people interested in what you do in 7 seconds or less

6.78 seconds
The best way to get oriented is to subscribe to my 7-Second Daily Email. It’s a free email newsletter that helps you turn the first 7 seconds of your website into high-value prospects.
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- How to write a 7-Second Website
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- 7-Second Launchpad (My signature service)

I recommend you go with Kevin. He taught me about value and how to implement it. The one on one coaching was easy to apply, easy to get started and delivered with genuine professionalism.

I’ve never met anyone who could simplify my message as much as kevin. The finished work is night and day different from where I started. If you’ve struggled to get the words right on your homepage, get with Kevin right away. His process will help you and is worth every penny he charges for it.
— Scott Dennison
Too many to list them all here… read more>>
Hi! I’m Kevin Freidberg and I was a copywriter, creative director and independent contractor for 15 years. I’ve worked for some of the most prestigious ad agencies in the world including BBDO, Ogilvy, and Zeus Jones on brands including Target, Disney, HBO, 3M and Fox Sports. I’ve also written for The New York Times and the Dallas Cowboys.
In my first year as a solopreneur, I increased my high-value bookings by 10x simply by rewriting the first 7 seconds of my website. I have over a decade of real-world experience successfully applying a 7-second writing practice to my own consulting work and the 100+ business owners I have counseled. These days I routinely book at least 5 high-value appointments per week from my website.

The unconscious acceptance of websites that don’t lead directly to sales calls is a collective delusion that literally keeps me up at night. In fact, I consider it my mission in life to create websites that
book more high-value calendar appointments.
Care to join me? I’m here.