Your prospect just wants to run in and pick up a couple things.
Promoting your website on a podcast or LinkedIn is never a bad idea
But in a way
You’re sort of asking your prospect to go grocery shopping
Rather than just running in for some milk.
See if this helps:
Try promoting a specific page of your website
Like a lead generator
A download
Or my personal favorite:
Your consistent email newsletter.
I like the newsletter the best because it’s the biggest bang for the smallest buck.
Or as my dad would say:
The gift that keeps on giving
Sure, your prospect will probably still pick up a few things
Why not?
But to them
It still feels like an easy enough errand
That they could almost see themselves
Leaving the car running. ????
I’m here,
P.S. Here in Minnesota, The Land of 10,000 Targets, we have what we endearingly call “Little Target.” An adorably shrunken down version of the big box store that feels more like a fancy QuikTrip™.