If you want to write consistently to promote your business – eliminate as much friction as possible.
And that includes content planning.
Them’s fightin’ words
Yup, I said it.
Throughout my many fits and starts
To email, post and publish content consistently
The one thing I made sure and do
Was plan out all my content
To the extent of taking off every Monday
Which invariably led me
To not producing any content the week after
So I could catch up on all my client work ????
See if this helps:
- Develop your story
- Implement that story into a basic outline
- That you look at once or twice a month
If you’ve written it yourself or with someone guiding you
Trust it.
It’s all right there in your brain
So that when you set your timer for 25 minutes
You’ll get to an end that feels right
Sometimes 10 minutes before the timer goes off.
Unless it’s a day like today
Where I made it with 12 seconds to spare.
I’m here,
P.S. I had a networking call this morning with professional ghostwriter Matthew Harms. When I mentioned the amount of content I put out every week his eyes bugged out before he said, “How much planning are you doing for that?” Whatever planning I do happens in the first 5 minutes of the 25-minute sit.