Rather than try to “fix” your audience, acknowledge their struggle.
It was March of 2020
And I was sitting in my favorite little nook at wework
In pain.
I couldn’t write
I couldn’t work
I couldn’t function.
I called my buddy Paul and somehow
He knew that I was in trouble
How ya doin’ buddy?
You want me to come pick you up?
I told him I had never experienced this deep a level of pain
And that there didn’t seem to be a bottom.
Knowing my struggles with depression
He replied with 5 words that changed my life:
You didn’t ask for this.
And the tears began to fall and fall and fall
As I began to say to myself:
You didn’t ask for this.
No one asks for this.
And then Paul talked
In a way that made me wish
That everyone on earth had a friend like him.
I would love to tell you more of what he said
But thankfully that memory has faded
I just know it sounded an awful lot like
I’m here.
P.S. The pain I experienced that day has never returned. I got help but more than anything I found the words to start telling myself, “You are loved.” And I say those words, in about a thousand variations, throughout every single day. If you’re stuck, I encourage you to rudely interrupt any negative thoughts with a different script. Feel free to start with mine: You are loved, my friend ????
Having trouble getting your team aligned on your website?
Start by focusing on the one thing you can all agree on:
The Prospect Comes First: 7 Questions to Answer Before You Write One Word on Your Website*
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*SPOILER ALERT: A lot of the words from your answers will wind up on your website
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