You can use the first 7 seconds of your website to book an appointment with your prospect.
Here’s the first 7 seconds of my (soon to go “live”) website:
I help independent professionals rewrite the first 7 seconds of their website to book high-value appointments.
And here’s how I used my first 7 seconds in a conversation on LinkedIn to book an appointment (prospect’s name changed for confidentiality):
Molly Smith sent the following message at 8:03 AM
Hey Kevin, thanks for the invite to connect with you. I look forward to getting to know you. Thanks again! Molly
Kevin Freidberg sent the following message at 6:25 AM
Me too, Molly! Awesome website by the way. Are you booking a lot of appointments through it?
Molly Smith sent the following message at 8:03 AM
Kevin Freidberg sent the following message at 9:58 AM
Who usually books you for speaking gigs – event planners or business owners?
Molly Smith sent the following message at 12:47 PM
Kevin Freidberg sent the following message at 1:26 PM
Just a thought, but you might try subscribing more event planners to your email list.
Molly Smith sent the following message at 1:43 PM
Excellent point. Thanks.
Kevin Freidberg sent the following message at 4:18 PM
Anytime, Molly 🙂
Molly Smith sent the following message at 8:04 PM
What email platform do you recommend? I’m looking into MailChimp now.
Kevin Freidberg sent the following message at 8:10 PM
They’re all pretty solid. I use ConvertKit.
Molly Smith sent the following message at 7:57 AM
Kevin, you seem pretty wicked smart in this field and an attitude to help others. What’s your background and experience?
Kevin Freidberg sent the following message at 2:57 PM
Very kind of you to say that, Molly. I’ve been in marketing for 20 years. But these days I just think people deserve to have a website that actually does what it’s supposed to do – book appointments ????
Molly Smith sent the following message at 3:27 PM
I agree. So are you a web designer?
Kevin Freidberg sent the following message at 3:56 PM
I offer web design but I don’t do it myself. I’m a copywriter and coach who helps people book more high-value appointments from their website.
Molly Smith sent the following message at 5:03 PM
Would love to set up a time to do a Zoom Call to learn more about what you do.
Kevin Freidberg sent the following messages at 12:08 PM
Absolutely, Molly. I know it’s somewhat last-minute but I had a spot open up on Monday at 9am (MST). I’ve also got next Friday (2/17) at noon. Either of those work for you?
Molly Smith sent the following message at 12:14 PM
Let’s do Monday!
Kevin Freidberg sent the following messages at 12:08 PM
Monday it is. The invite with a zoom link should be in your inbox by now. Looking forward to it, Molly!
Molly Smith sent the following message at 3:17 PM
Me too 🙂
1. Notice, none of the responses take more than about 7 seconds to read.
2. Each one of them is designed to add value without selling
3. They tell the prospect just what they need to know and when they need to know it – a rule I also try to apply to my emails 🙂
Remember: the point of any of your words is to move to a 1 on 1 conversation and then eventually a calendar appointment.
Just keep playing: It took over a year to refine not only my 7 seconds but also my strategy, which is really understanding the rhythm for how people want to converse on LinkedIn.
I’m here,
P.S. If you want to test out your first 7 seconds, reply here and I’ll reply with a few edits if necessary and a few tips of how you could use it to start a conversation you’d like to lead to a high-value calendar appointment with your prospect.