Of course you do! Because the director made sure nothing came between you and what he wanted you to read first.
Not all movies have words on the screen at the very beginning
But of the ones that do
100% of moviegoers read them
Because they’re the only thing in the frame.
If you want to put words at the beginning of your website …
See if this helps:
Put your first 7 seconds of your website on a word doc
And don’t put anything around it.
If that’s all your prospect can see
And nothing more
Is it enough to get them to read the next thing you have to say?
I’m here,
P.S. Your first 7 seconds do not – and should not – have to be enough to book an appointment with you. They only have to be enough to read the next 7 seconds.
P.P.S. If your first 7 seconds are video, you could do worse than Tom Cruise at the beginning of “Maverick.” Dude just came straight out and spoke to us. No fancy set. No visual effects. Just him taking up a single seat, in an otherwise empty theater, and thanking us for coming (!)