There are 2 schools of thought among comedians (and websites) – The Complete Teardown vs. The Jerry
After every one of his tours
Chris Rock throws away all of his material
And starts anew.
Jerry Seinfeld on the other hand
Consistently weaves in new material
So that at the end of say every 2 years
All of his material is new
I’m more of a Jerry guy (when it comes to websites)
But given the choice, buy tickets to Rock 🙂
Your website doesn’t need a major teardown and rebuild every 2 years.
Instead, it needs a constant influx
Of new services, thoughts, products (and productized services)
Over time so that your prospect
Can get familiar with what you do
But see new thinking
On a consistent basis
Everything changes
Your website should reflect that.
I’m here,
P.S. Writing a daily email like the one you’re reading will help you generate that consistent output of content for both your business and your website. Reply here for the goods on the Content Solar System and you shall receive.