7-Second Thoughts December 14, 2023

Serial monogamist marketing

Whatever outreach you used to win your new client can also be used to keep them.

TL;DR—please do not stop marketing after you close the sale.


Consider using all of your marketing skills and methods

Any and all things at your disposal


Increase attendance at the onboarding

Write clear agendas with clear takeaways

Tell them what they should expect next

At the NEXT meeting

Where you will continue to access the things from them

That allow you and your team

To do what they hired you to do

Access to things like: their problems, their process, their insight into their customers

Heck, their usernames and passwords!

Assuming your client is in, say, the technology sector.

After the sale:

Getting your clients to participate

And see the value of the time you have together



In other words

All the good stuff you used

To close the sale

Can be used

To keep the sale.

I’m here,


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