7-Second Thoughts November 28, 2023

The start of short-lived relationships

Often begin with 5 words: Please fill out this form.

Yes, forms are boring, mind-numblingly mundane tasks that suck the life out of both the client and the person having to input the results of the form

Not to mention the feeling of futility that inevitably sinks in when your client hands in the form and the provider asks them all the same questions anyway.

But wait, there’s more:

What hurts more than anything

Is the opportunity cost

Of why forms exist in the first place.

See if this helps:

You have questions you need your client or prospect to answer.

So ask them

1 on 1

In an email.

It’s still a form

But going through what might feel like a painstaking process

Transforms your form into its intended purpose

To get your client

To tell you about their business

So that you can use the benfit

Of all their wisdom

All their expertise

And all of their insight

To provide them with a service

They can’t live without.

I’m here,


P.S. The form is not a form: It’s you being intensely curious about how to create a lasting relationship.

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