7-Second Thoughts December 1, 2023

You choose, you confuse.

Asking your prospect to choose 1 of 3 ways to work with you is still asking them to figure out what you do and why they should care.

While the conventional wisdom is to always offer your prospect 3 options in your proposal

Rather than clarify your offering, it can feel to your prospect

Like work

Or at best

Like you’re uncertain as to how to proceed

I’m actually not sure what you should do so I thought I’d let you figure it out.

Here’s the thing:

By the time you’re at this stage

There’s still more clarifying to do


What your engagement is going to look like

What they can expect

The cost

The schedule

The timeframe

The expectations

Multiply that by 3

And you’ve got a dazed and confused prospect

Who at this point

Is probably out of time

And may have lost motivation to take any action at all.

See if this helps:

Take a stab at 1 clear offering

That makes it unbelievably clear not just what your prospect will receive

But also how gosh darn easy it is to get started

Which is often

Even beyond price

Their biggest hurdle

Giving them 1 clear path

Also gives them the 1 thing they need more of:

Time to focus

Voice their objections

And clear up any confusion.

I’m here,


P.S. You can still collaborate on your one option – adding and subtracting features until you both find the engagement mutually beneficial.

P.P.S. Once you start working together, you’ll know your client even better and can feel even more confident when, where and how you should offer them their next option.

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