7-Second Thoughts February 11, 2024

You owe your clients “the moon”

Your job as a creative is to use your marketing skills to persuade your client to tell you what their moon looks like, and then work with them until you feel confident you can deliver it.

Your client will figure out their moon. 

Rather than guess

You will help them find it.

And here’s how:

Look, everyone wants to get out of the kickoff.

You feel bad for taking up the client’s time

Apologetic even

Banish that thought!

The kickoff is not an introduction

A meet n’ greet

A get to know us

It’s work – plain and simple

Done well, a 1 hour kickoff – complete with homework given out beforehand to people you’ve never even met – turns the kickoff call into anything but just another meeting.

So much so that if some catastrophe should befall the planet, done well, the kickoff call is all you need to create work the client loves.

If the sun rises the next day, the next calls only serve to make the work better and better and better

Until you deliver the moon that you helped your client

Ask for.

I’m here,


P.S. Contrary to popular belief, it is not Conrad Hilton’s ego that makes him demand the moon. It’s Don Draper’s ego that makes him not give the client what they ask for

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